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Friday, December 01, 2006


Development over the last two decades has catapulted China into one of the world’s largest economic powers. The opportunity costs of manufacturing the world’s goods have however come at a high price. Most notably, the environment has taken a back seat to economic development; China current is home to 7 of the world’s top 10 most polluted cities. However, help from the World Trade Organization (WTO), Non-Governmental Organizations, and other global communities have enabled more outlets for environmental concerns.

Bates: I recently visited Intel’s new chip manufacturing plant which hosted a non-profit forum in Chengdu. The intended purpose was to increase awareness to other MNC’s and domestic companies on Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) standards and best practices. Most firms present were Chinese companies, which gives me the impression that environmental compliance and safety has begun playing a greater role to both foreign and domestic firms.

Dietz: As symbolic as Beijing has become for the upcoming 2008 Olympics the city still remains a very polluted city. However, the city is like that dirty mangy mutt you had as a child. Even though that mutt is less than attractive and smells of wet mange you begin to grow to love the puppy. Such is Beijing and many other cities throughout China. Even though many cities are heavily polluted the unique characteristics and history propels one to in someway help during it's critical development.

Bates: The use of blogs in China is rising and has also been used to increase awareness and corrective measures. Recently, one Chinese blogger began writing about a local company who had been spilling its wastes into his village’s local water supply. Appropriate organizations looked further into the issue and authorities sought legal action and corrected the issues. Even though there was damage, at least at this point corrective measures are beginning to take form.

Dietz: In the past, Deng Xiaoping once famously said of China’s economy: “Black cat or white cat, all that matters is that it catches mice”. However, recently said by The World is Flat author Thomas Friedman, It doesn't matter if the cat is White or Black just as long as the cat is GREEN!! The current sacrifices of growth are not sustainable to ensure it's future prosperity.

If China is to continue developing at it's current rate it desperately needs reform and to institute environmental controls in order to continue it's economic prosperity. Certainly, as the world visits China in 2008 it will see upsides and downsides to development. However, with foreign investment increasingly becoming apparent and to sustain it's own development, China is and will be instituting more controls on Environment and Health issues.


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