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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Rosalia's (Shiny) Taiwan Adventures!

Day 1

Shiny doesn't like planes! Shiny's tired but I have arrived safely. I am staying with my uncle for now. There are 7 people in this tiny apartment that is way way way smaller than my house. Shiny's home sick already.

Day 2

Breakfast: Noodle soup with pig

intestines, pig liver, pork, and tofu as side dishes
Lunch: Sticky rice and egg flower soup
Dinner: Rice with clams, duck,

egg plant, and other veggies

Scooters here, scooters there, scooters everywhere. I never thought

that I would be riding in the back of a scooter one day. But, today is that day. I rode around

in a scooter all day today! By law, anybody who rides a scooter has to wear a helmet, so Shiny wore a helmet. Since it

was raining, I wore a raincoat as well. People driving around on scooters are crazy. They go in front of cars and cut

trucks off. I saw people holding umbrella, girls wearing high heels, and guys wearing slippers

while driving scooters. Don't they know it's dangerous?

I went back to where I have lived for 8 years of my life. I cannot believe how small and old the
apartment was. I was

speechless. I really don't know how to describe the feeling. I just really can't believe that I lived there. I didn't bring a

camera with me today because I rode there on a
scooter. I will take some pictures the next time I go.

I waited for about 2 and half hours today in line to get my Taiwanese ID. I was falling asleep.

Hopefully I can adjust to the time change soon.

Day 3

Breakfast: Noodle Soup
Lunch: Rice Burger- the buns are made out of rice. It's Taiwanese Burger!

Dinner: Seafood Restaurant

I went to Taipei today for the first time (on a scooter). My cousin took me to an exhibit called "Taiwan Story land." It's an exhibit that just opened about two months ago, and it took about a year and a half to built a 1965 street and neighborhood look-alike underground a shopping building in Taipei. It was pretty cool, and it felt really real. They had people dressed up in old outfits selling food that were available back then. 2006 is actually year 95 for Taiwan. The history of Taiwan is very short compared to other countries.

I cut my hair. I have bangs now, I look funny. I took pictures today, but I realized that I forgot to bring the USB cord :-( I guess you will have to wait until I get back to see the pictures. But I will try to find a


My second Uncle took us out for dinner. We went to his seafood restaurant. My god. the 8 of us had about 20 courses. I am not even kidding. It was crazy. They eat more than I do!

I went back to stay at my old house for a night. My mom made me. I have no other ways to describe the place other than calling it a "very old shack." It is literally falling apart. There's no hot water. You have to boil it yourself if you want to take a hot shower. Oh and beds in Taiwan are like sleeping on wooden boards, very hard.

Day 4

Breakfast: Soy milk, duck tongue
Lunch: Noodles with oysters and pig intestines
Dinner: Beef noodle soup

I went to Taipei to get ready for my interview today. I stopped in the application processing center to have them go through my documents.

Later that night, we went to the street market. It was packed full of people, and there were vendors everywhere. I can't eat too much.

Day 11

Breakfast: Sticky Rice
Lunch: Steak (weird huh?)
Dinner: Stinky Tofu with pig intestine noodle soup

I have had some technical difficulties and some visa problems to attend to recently. Some of
you might already know that the computers at American Institute in Taiwan broke when I got to the interview line on this Tuesday. :-( I waited almost two hours before they sent everyone home. I went back today to see if theyhad fixed it, but nothing had been fixed. I did call before I went, but I was on hold for another 10 minutes on the phone. The news tonight on TV reported that the computers were fixed, so I will go back tomorrow morning. Hopefully everything will work out fine. good luck to me again!

If I had one word to describe Taiwan it would be "dirty." It is very dirty. One of the things I find interesting is that I often see very new buildings surrounded by very old neighborhoods. Everybody's got at least one cell phone, even the really old generations carry the newest models of phones around. Yet, they ride crappy scooters. I always thought that Taiwan is a developed country, but I am really wrong. I see the new connected with the old everywhere. It's quite a phenomenon!

I don't like going shopping. People get mad at you if you look at stuff and don't buy. What kind of customer service is this??? LOL They literally would try to talk you into eating at their restaurant or buy their stuff. Scary huh? I have to get ready for tomorrow. Talk to you soon!


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