Mike's Adventures - Beijing's Bikes

When you hear the phrase, Red China, what are the first images that come to mind: Tiananmen, Mao’s little red book,
However, as I have come to realize, things here are not as simple as a Brad Pitt movie. After graduating this last June, I decided to take the plunge and work in
It is easy to condemn the government for its various inadequacies, and at some times, necessary. However, once again, things are not simple enough to dichotomize the issue at first glance. A key example of this is the bicycle parking lots in most big cities in
The same can be said of many of the actions of the government here. At first glance, many things seem extremely wrong with the current situation but, there are just as many people here as bikes. This does not, by any means, justify some of the policies here but merely tries to add a sense of perspective. You just have to ask yourself: how would you go about organizing thousands of bikes (or 1.3 billion people for that matter)?
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